What is dash2zero?

Our Mission
Dash2Zero is a platform to generate ideas and solutions to make the world Net Zero by no later than 2050. Not by 2060 or 2070, but by 2050.
The world only has 28 years and we need to act as if that were the case. At present, almost nobody is. Dash2Zero focuses on what must happen to achieve this fundamental transformation in such a short time – and strives to identify both barriers and solutions to get there.

After 25 years of consulting and two years teaching at Harvard Business School, Jurgen founded Dash2Zero as a platform to develop concrete solutions for helping the world achieve Net Zero emissions by or before 2050.
“In my close to 30 years as an energy economist focused on global decarbonization, it has become clear to me that actions lag far behind words and that the rate of progress is far slower than what is needed to eliminate fossil fuel GHG emissions by mid-century. Put simply, the world is acting as if “Net Zero by 2050” were not a real binding constraint. I created Dash2Zero as a platform to explore what we need if it were (a binding constraint).“